Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

All of us at Minot Plumbing & Heating strive to provide our customers with the best possible service.  Please take a moment to read through what our customers have to say about us.

"Everyone has been so nice.  I'm very satisfied."  G. Johnson

"Ken is always courteous and his work is always top notch!  We are very pleased with Minot Plumbing & Heating."  D. Rombach

"Outstanding job, thank you for your quick response."  H. Capaci

"Have always been very satisfied with work done. Employees friendly and helpful."  J.Isakson

"Couldn't ask for better."  M. Johnson

"Ken does a fantastic job and goes beyond what is asked making sure the whole system is in good condition."  D. DeRouchey

"I am real satisfied with the product installed and the service involved."  L. Klein

"Very pleased with Ken's work."  D. Melius

"Always pleased with the work.  You always get it right the first time."  K. Kose

"Jay-Wonderful job, very professional and tidy."  E. Munson

"Always outstanding service --Ken is the man!"  R. Stratton

"It is a pleasure to be treated courteous and to be asked if you have any other concerns.  Thank you."  J. Lien

"Thank you for your timely service and quality products!  We're very pleased with your service."           C. & J. Croonquist

"Jim H. was wonderful, helpful, friendly, and polite.  He is a real asset to your company."                    B. Brewer

"Minot Plumbing & Heating is our #1 choice for service.  You always come through for us."  G. Lowther

"Kenny's work is always very good.  We never have any complaints!"  M. Robinette

"(I) was very pleased with the service.  Personnel was courteous and professional."  I. Moe

"We are very satisfied with the work and with the very nice service man, #1 to us."  J. Patterson

"Wow!  Same day service and great repair work in quick time!"  S. Richter

"We are very happy with the service we received.  Kenny is a super guy!"  D. Nielsen

"Ken always goes the extra mile & we really appreciate his knowledge & expertise."  S. Knutson

"Thank you so much for being prompt and even trying to come early - You're great!"  J. Hawbaker